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List Of Comets Observed

The following is a list of comets I have observed to date. The list will be updated on a regular basis coinciding with the appearance of future bright periodic and new comets. All comets are listed in order of detection including date of first observation and instrument used. Number of comets observed = 94.




C/1995 O1 Hale-Bopp
Jan 97
2" Refractor
C/1999 S4 LINEAR
July 6th 2000
8" Sct
2P/ Encke
Aug 29th 2000
8" Sct
C/1999 T1 Mc Naught-Hartley
Dec 24th 2000
8" Sct
C/2001 A2 LINEAR
April 10th 2001
8" Sct
19P/ Borrelly
Sept 17th 2001
8" Sct
P/2001 Q2 Petriew
Sept 18th 2001
8" Sct
Nov 4th 2001
8" Sct
153P/ Ikeya-Zhang
Feb 6th 2002
8" Sct
C/2001 OG 108 LONEOS
Feb 17th 2002
8" Sct
C/2002 F1 Utsunomiya
April 23rd 2002
8" Sct
C/2002 O4 Hoenig
Aug 7th 2002
8" Sct
C/2002 O6 SWAN
Aug 18th 2002
8" Sct
C/2002 X5 Kudo-Fujikawa
Dec 16th 2002
8" Sct
C/2002 V1 NEAT
Dec 27th 2002
8" Sct
C/2002 T7 LINEAR
Nov 2nd 2003
16" Refl
C/2004 F4 Bradfield
April 26th 2004
8" Sct
C/2003 K4 LINEAR
May 19th 2004
16" Refl
C/2001 Q4 NEAT
May 14th 2004
16" Refl
C/2004 Q1 TUCKER
Oct 19th 2004
16" Refl
78P/ Gehrels 2
Nov 13th 2004
16" Refl
C/2004 Q2 Machholz
Dec 1st 2004
90mm M.Cass
C/2003 T4 LINEAR
Jan 16th 2005
16" Refl

C/2002 Y1 Jules-Holvocrem

Jan 30th 2003
8" Sct
161P/ Hartley-Iras
Aug 2nd 2005
16" Refl
C/2005 P3 SWAN
Aug 29th 2005
16" Refl
9P/ Temple 1
April 7th 2005
8" Sct
C/2006 A1 Pojmanski
March 2nd 2006
8" Sct
73P/ Schwassmann-Wachmann 3 (C)
March 28th 2006
8" Sct
73P/ Schwassmann-Wachmann 3 (B)
April 4th 2006
8.5" Refl
177P/ Barnard 2
Aug 23rd 2006
8.5" Refl
C/2006 M4 SWAN
Sept 16th 2006
8.5" Refl
Sept 26th 2006
8.5" Refl
C/2006 T1 Levy
Oct 4th 2006
8.5" Refl
C/2006 L1 Garradd
Nov 3rd 2006
8.5" Refl
C/2006 P1 Mc Naught
Jan 9th 2007
10X50mm binos / 90mm ETX
April 18th 2006
8.5" Refl
April 19th 2007
8.5" Refl
C/2006 VZ 13 LINEAR
July 8th 2007
8.5" Refl
C/2007 F1 LONEOS
Oct 3rd 2007
8.5" Refl
Oct 24th 2007
Naked Eye
8P/ Tuttle
Nov 15th 2007
8.5" Refl

46P/ Wirtanen

Feb 24th 2008
8.5" Refl
C/2006 W3 Christensen
Oct 26th 2008
8.5" Refl
C/2006 OF2 Broughtan
Oct 30th 2008
8.5" Refl
C/2008 A1 McNaught
Oct 31st 2008
8.5" Refl
144P/ Kushida
Dec 27th 2008
8.5" Refl
C/2007 N3 Lulin
Jan 23rd 2009
8.5" Refl
C/2007 Q3 Siding Spring
Dec 17th 2009
8.5" Refl
81P/Wild 2
Dec 18th 2009
8.5" Refl
C/2009 K5 McNaught
March 12th 2010
8.5" Refl
C/2009 R1 McNaught
June 10th 2010
8.5" Refl
103P/Hartley 2
Sept 14th 2010
8" S. Cass
C/2010 V1 Ikeya-Murakami
Nov 6th 2010
8" S. Cass
C/2009 P1 Garradd
Sept 16th 2011
8" S. Cass
C/2012 K5 LINEAR
Jan 5th 2012
8" S. Cass
C/2011 L4 Pan-STARRS
March 13th 2013
8x42mm Binos
C/2013 R1 Lovejoy
November 4th 2013
8" S.Cass
C/2012 S1 ISON
November 4th 2013
8" S.Cass
C/2013 V3 Nevski
November 14th 2013
8" S.Cass
C/2014 E2 Jacques
August 23rd 2014
Canon 6D & 50mm F/1.8 lens
C/2014 Q2 (Lovejoy)
January 2015
Canon 600D & 50mm F/1.8 lens
C/2013 US10 Catalina
December 8th 2015
50mm F/1.8 lens & 7x50mm Binos
August 16th 2018
8" F/6.3 S. Cass & 24x70mm Binos
October 18th 2018
8" F/6.3 S. Cass
November 8th 2018
8" F/6.3 S. Cass
C/2018 V1 Machholz-Fujikawa-Iwamoto
November 13th 2018
8" F/6.3 S. Cass
C/2018 Y1 Iwamoto
February 21st 2019
8" F/6.3 S. Cass
C/2017 T2 Pan-STARRS
January 16th 2020
8" F/6.3 S. Cass
C/2019 Y4 ATLAS
March 12th 2020
8" F/6.3 S. Cass
C/2019 Y1 ATLAS
April 12th 2020
8" F/6.3 S. Cass
C/2020 F8 SWAN
May 24th 2020
8" F/6.3 S. Cass
July 7th 2020
25x70mm Binos & Naked Eye
C/2020 M3 ATLAS
November 11th 2020
8" F/6.3 S. Cass
C/2020 R4 ATLAS
April 9th 2021
10" F/5 Reflector
C/2020 T2 Palomer
April 15th 2021
10" F/5 Reflector
October 10th 2021
10" F/5 Reflector
October 10th 2021
10" F/5 Reflector
C/2019 L3 ATLAS
October 14th/15th 2021
10" F/5 Reflector
C/2021 A1 Leonard
November 21st 2021
10" F/5 Reflector
March 1st 2022
10" F/5 Reflector
C/2020 V2 ZTF
November 18th 2022
10" F/5 Reflector
C/2022 E3 ZTF
December 4th 2022
10" F/5 Reflector
C/2022 A2 PanSTARRS
December 26th 2022
10" F/5 Reflector
C/2023 E1 ATLAS
July 12th 2023
10" F/5 Reflector
C/2023 Nishimura
August 24th 2023
10" F/5 Reflector
October 14th 2023
10" F/5 Reflector
C/2023 H2 Lemmon
November 2nd 2023
10" F/5 Reflector
November 10th 2023
10" F/5 Reflector
December 13th 2023
10" F/5 Reflector
February 1st 2024
10" F/5 Reflector
C/2021 S3 PanSTARRS
March 6th 2024
10" F/5 Reflector
C/2023 A3 Tsuchinshan-ATLAS
April 26th 2024
10" F/5 Reflector
September 4th 2024
10" F/5 Reflector



Chasing Tails - The 1000 Hour Journey

An Observing Guide To Comets

Comet Hunting A Closer Look

List Of Comets Observed

My 73P/ SW3 Observations

My C/2006 A1 Pojmanski Observations

My Comet Hunting Statistics

Visual Comet Hunting

Comet Sketches

Observing Adventures With Great Comet Mc Naught

My C/2004 Q2 Machholz Observations

Other Comet Links
